Caffe Yosef
Ashdod, Israel
100 sq/m
Shay Ben Efraim
Café Yosef is located near the beach of Ashdod, and enjoys the view of the sea and the ships waiting their turn to enter the city port.
That view and honoring the client’s father memory was the origin of the design concept. The design tells the story and biography of the father, using only design tools and clues, without any words besides the name of the café.
Major stations in his life were translated into design styles and details: Ottoman arcs were chosen to symbol his place of birth- Turkey. Colonial style carpentry and furniture symbolize his participation in war against British rule in Israel. A local sand stone, unique to area he spent most of his mature life was chosen to cover the main wall. Antique collections he owned presented on shelves and were combined into the woodwork such as the wall clock.
Ceiling arcs were created with ‘barrisol’ stretched acrylic fabric. Fabric was lighted from behind to create the atmosphere of spiritual arcs. Walnut woodwork and verde guatamala marble used with most of the carpentry details. Floor grid made from nero absolute and cream marble.